Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The latest on our Journey After seeing a cardiologist, pulmonologist, catherization doctors, and numerous X-rays, today we saw a physical medicine doctor. We also met a young girl from kaimuki, Kelly Nakamura, who is graduating from Mayo medical school this weekend and heading to John Hopkins medical center for her residency. THis afternoon we see a rheumatologist. The physical medicine doctor is ordering all kinds of tests and consults so we will be here another week. As much as we want to be home, we know we must make the most of our time here. So we are hunkering down for another week sharing the same room which makes for interesting conversation! We have been getting along being together 24/7 but this coming week will be the real test. Sitting with the physical medicine doctor and hearing for the first time all the things she saw through the X-rays anD all her concerns about the stability in Brooke's neck was unsettling BUT we are trusting in our Lord for peace and direction. The is so much to share here but I will wait till we get back home to share in more depth. We met David in the physical medicine department who is from Sudan and is one of the lost boys. We gave him a He>i sticker. Such a pleasant grateful young man. Would love to sit and talk with him more. Hope God affords us an opportunity. So prayer requests would be - good news from all the therapists, doctors, etc. looking at Brooke over the next week. Also, direction and clarity in all our decision making, Peace and harmony. Love, Sharon

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