Monday, March 28, 2011

Tender Grass Ministries

Well today is a first for me.  The Lord has been putting it upon my heart to begin writing and sharing what HE is showing me through living life!  HE's been after me for quite some time to start sharing but alas I have been slow to obey.  After HE began showing me what HE has done for me these last 25 plus years (no I'm not 25 years old!!) I began to realize that maybe, just maybe, some of the things God has been sharing with me might help someone else.  If anything, I begin Tender Grass Ministries in total obedience to God. If only my children read this then I can say "my cup runneth over".

You might ask what is with the name Tender Grass Ministries?   In 2Samuel 23:4 it says a man who rules righteously "is as the light of the morning when the sun rises, a morning without clouds, when the tender grass springs out of the earth". That's what God said to call this blog site.  Here is my very first blog ....

"Listen to Me....."  I am studying the book of Isaiah and throughout Isaiah God says "listen to Me, listen, listen.  If you have children or someone you dearly love, you have said those same words.  Not because you want to be heard, but because you had something important to say.  It is the same with God.  He is trying to get our attention.  I need to stop and ask myself, am I listening for God?  Am I teachable when HE speaks?  He calls for us to stop and listen.  Did you know if you take all the same letters in the word listen they also spell "silent"?  Can we hear Him when there is so much going on in our lives?  Are we ever silent so His whisper or roaring words can be heard?  God said listen to Him so we will trust Him even when we can't see Him. Even when we feel darkness around us, He is there.  Listen for Me, He says.  When the trial He has allowed into your life seems so overwhelming will you stop, be silent and listen to hear what He has for you?

2Samuel 22b says "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, listening to Him much better than offering the fat of rams". Listening to God is important to God.  When we listen to Him we are also obeying Him and obedience brings glory to Him.

Well that's my very first blog to all of you - whoever you are.  If you are reading this it is because God impressed upon your hearts to come and be fed.  Remember, be fervent in prayer but also be silent to hear what He is trying to tell you.   love, sharon


  1. Hey mom I like your writing :) Your style of writing is awesome

  2. Sharon,
    What a blessing you are! I really enjoy our little chats so getting a bit of your heart on a blog sounds great. You really are inspiring and encouraging to me and I soooo appreciate it.
    Thanks for being a wonderful Mentor and Friend. I look forward to reading what the Lord puts on your heart.
    Love and Aloha,

  3. I love sitting at your feet and feeling so blessed by your words. Thank you for being obedient-- I needed this! Love you girl!

  4. Thanks for sharing! I needed that. Awesome and encouraging to see you stepping out in faith. xoxo

  5. I am happy for you sweet Sharon.... You are a wonderful lady of God
