Thursday, November 10, 2016

New Hope

November 10, 2016

I didn't vote for Barack Obama.  I start out with that firm statement because we just elected a new president, a republican, not a seasoned politician who has made politics their life long job; but we elected someone who gives me new hope for America.  Today I also wrote a letter to the only newspaper we have in Hawaii (shameful isn't it?).  It was titled "New Democrats".  I will share it here for I know they won't print it on the editorial page. LOL

Protestors with deplorable behavior, is this the new democrats?  Talk shows are asking psychologist how to talk to children about this election.  Here is my advice.  Tell them we raised a generation to think that even if they didn't win everyone gets a trophy, and now they want their trophy.  We didn't teach them to work hard for what they want.  We overindulged them with cell phones,ipods,designer this and that.  We taught them not to have respect for authority.  Every time they were reprimanded at school we went to school and stuck up for them not the teacher, that action showed them how not to respect authority.  They saw us as parents, chastise other parents who properly disciplined their children, critized those who stood up for the rights of the unborn child, laughed at people who stood for moral values, calling them uneducated.  Then you take a deep breath, and tell them these protestors who are ranting whimpering and crying today when they didn't get their way,  this IS the
New Democrat. (end of letter)

But when Barack Obama was elected, we didn't get our trophy, and we didn't riot in the streets.  We knew, because we were taught by our parents that in life we don't always get what we want. We were taught we had to work for what we wanted.  There weren't any free rides.  When we misbehaved in school, our parents spanked us and sent us back to apologize to the teacher.  I never heard my parents cuss.  They taught me to have respect for all authority.  They taught me to say please and thank you and to consider myself blessed because I lived in a country where I had many freedoms.  How come we didn't teach this generation the same things?  We have fallen short and now we are reaping what we sowed.  Forgive us God.

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