Monday, September 26, 2011


We recently took Brooke to Portland to attend a Hanson concert.  This group is her absolute favorite and she was thrilled beyond words to go and see them!

It was my first trip to Portland and I so enjoyed the whole journey.  I realized I enjoyed myself so much because I was looking at everything with child-like eyes.  Oooooh look at that!  My that's beautiful.  Can you imagine such beauty?!  Those were just a some of my thoughts.

I got to thinking about looking at each new day with child-like eyes and living each day with child-like faith.  You know that freshness and excitement.  Like a child who completely trusts her parents as she places her hand in her parents hand when she crosses the street.  No worries, she simply follows along.  She doesn't question, she just obeys and she anticipates with excitement what's at the other side of the street!

As we ready ourselves to leave Hawaii for God's mission trip to the Philippines, I think of our team who has put their trust and faith in Jesus Christ.  We have a parent whose son is battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer, but she is leaving her adult son with good caregivers and in the hands of the great comforter Jesus Christ.  We have a husband and wife who have responsibilities of caregiving their sick parents and they too are trusting others to care for them; but knowing full well Jehovah Jireh the great provider will meet all their needs.   We have men who are entrusting their companies to the hands of others knowing
Jesus holds their companies in the palm of His hands.  There are wives going because their husband have heard the Lord speak and they are willingly going to support him because they know God has called them to be the "helpmate" of their husband. We have several people traveling with on-going health issues, others with uncertainties in their future and others leaving behind children, grandchildren, homes & jobs.  But all stepping out in faith for they know Jesus has called them.

This Sunday in church we asked our daughter Brooke why she was going to the Philippines.  She simply said,"because God told me to go".  Child-like faith.  Then we asked her , but it's not a handicap accessible country. You won't have your motorized wheelchair or your hospital bed.  It will not be easy. And she said "I don't do easy, I just do possible.  For all things are possible with Christ who strengthens me".  Child-like - because God said go and in His Word He said He'll take care of her.

Many people are so excited to see spiritual awakening in Brooke; but how about our own walk with the Lord?  Do you just step out when He calls you to do something?  Do you hesitate to ask Him to send you somewhere because of fear?  Do you allow that fear to deprive you of what He has ahead?  Do you want a life controlled by you?  Do you constantly have to have all your ducks in a row,your scheduled life, your i's dotted and your t's crossed.  Are you waiting for the perfect timing - when the kids are older, when the house is paid for, when, when, when.

A good friend and I used to say we don't want to become "stodgy" women.  Let's step into a child-like
life knowing that as you cross each roadway provided by Jesus Christ, He is holding your hand.  As you step through each opened door, He is on the other side to greet you.  As you get on a plane to some where He has chosen, He will be with you every step of the way.

Please keep our team in your prayers.  Pray for good health, lots of spiritual growth, opportunities to share the gospel, open hearts, continued unity on our team, God's protection each and every step of the way and when we return we will use what He has shown us to bring glory to His name.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Today, September 16th, is my son Jeremy's 40th birthday.  As I write the number 40 my mind goes to all the things I've missed.  You see Jeremy was killed 24 years ago at the sweet age of 16.  I've missed seeing him grow into a man.  I've missed seeing him fall in love, choose a career and have grandchildren.  Those are just a few things I've missed.  The one biggest thing I miss is just him.  Talking with him, hugging him, hearing him say "hi mom", seeing him.  The things I miss all have to do with spending time with him.

If I would of had more time I could of or would of ____________________.

This is where cupcakes come to my mind.  I remember while he was in elementary school it was the fad or custom to bring cupcakes to school when it was your child's birthday.  That way the whole class could sing happy birthday and your child would be thrilled beyond words.  Some moms would elaborately decorate those cupcakes and all the class would ooooooh and aaaaaah .You know those moms who go way overboard.  They make the rest of us decorating challenged not artistic mothers green with envy as they turn ordinary cupcakes into works of art! :)  I remember bringing chocolate cupcakes with blue frosting to school ONCE for Jeremy's birthday.  I have pictures of him with a friend eating those cupcakes and having a big smile on his face with blue frosting covering his teeth.  I did that ONCE.  Do you know that shortly after I was told he was killed I remember thinking "I should have made more cupcakes".

I'm not sharing this because I want you to drop everything and spend more time with your children.  In fact we devote way too much time to our children. I'm sharing this because I have learned through cupcakes that I don't want to miss what God has for me and my life.

Time is one of the main things God wants from us.  He wants us to sit before Him, give Him the best of our days, ask Him what and how to accomplish what He has for us.  We can't find out if it's cupcakes if we don't spend time with Him.  God desires my fellowship and that takes precious time.  After all He has done for me can I do anything less?  I have learned that when I give Him the best of my time, He will show me exactly what to do with my time.  And yes, there will be time for cupcakes.

Yes, I missed cupcake opportunities with Jeremy.   I can never make up time not spent with him.  But I can take what I've learned, share it with you, and hope that you and I will not miss the magnificent opportunities God has for us each and every day.  Will you go with me before the Lord and ask Him - "what do you want me to do with today; who Lord do you want me to spend my time with; who should I call to comfort; who do you want me to make blue frosting cupcakes for?"

Let's allow God to direct our paths, not miss His opportunities for us, and enjoy the journey!