Friday, May 4, 2018

A Parking Lot

May 3, 2018 will forever be etched in my mind.  It was the National Day of Prayer.
I remember getting up that morning asking God to make it a day of prayer for me.  Since I'm home-
bound for a while after just getting out of the hospital, I didn't think I would have much opportunities to pray with individuals, but still I could have a full day of prayer at home.

Around lunch time Tex took me for a ride.  He also had to make a stop at Foodland to pick up some groceries.  I sat in the car playing a game on my phone, then realized I could be praying for the people around me.   I began.  Then I heard the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  "Pray for the person who comes to the car next to you.  My window was down so I had great access.  Here comes this guy with an arm load of groceries, opens his door and I Freeze!!  I can't do this.  He gets in his car and drives away.   Ugh.  I feel so defeated but more so that I was disobedient.

Then another car drives in, this girl with long blonde hair gets out and I see Tex walking to the car so I know this is my last chance.  I tell her "today is National Day of Prayer, do you mind if I pray for
you?"  She says, Oh OK.  We join hands and I pray over her.  She thanks me and leaves.

My heart is racing - why?  shouldn't it be easy to obey God?

What did you do on May 3, 2018?